Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year I am thankful for...

~Chase's School
~Alex's new school and the fact that he is enjoying it!
~My group of best friends that continues to stay hilarious year after year after year
~Chase beginning to crawl and walking so well with his walker
~My wonderful Husband who is SO fantastic with our kiddos
~All of our family

and of course



And our AMAZING Make-A-Wish Ladies!!!!!


Friday, November 12, 2010

Look Who's CRAWLING!!!

Chase has been "army crawling" for quite some time. He "drags" himself along. That is because of his lack of coordination. Suddenly Wednesday his hiney popped up in the air, and on his knees he began crawling. No one was sure he's ever figure this out!!!

              (Just click play)  :)